Planning & Tracker
Childs Ercall Parish Council receives notice of any planning applications falling within its area from the local planning authority, Shropshire Council, under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Schedule 1 para 8. Childs Ercall Parish Council may return comments on each application consulted upon. The comments returned will be taken into account by Shropshire Council when determining the outcome of each application.
For an explanation of the different types of application received please refer to the document attached above: "Application types and commenting". This document also gives an explanation of what constitutes a material consideration in planning terms when determining applications.
Childs Ercall Parish Council's responses to applications can be found within the Minutes of each meeting, or on the Shropshire Council planning portal alongside any comments submitted by the public and other consultees such as Highways, Conservation, Ecology etc:
In order to find out more about applications affecting Childs Ercall Parish these can also be found via the planning tracker on this
In order to find out which new applications will be considered by the Parish Council please check the next Meeting agenda for further information. If you wish to present your views to the Council on any planning item, please attend the Meeting in person and address the Council during the public session at the start of each meeting (Childs Ercall PC holds 12 ordinary meetings annually and an Annual Meeting of the Parish Council. The Parish Council meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at Jubilee Hall. Details of current and historic applications can be viewed on Shropshire Council's planning portal. Comments from the public can also be returned direct to Shropshire Council via the planning portal:
Shropshire Council's Policies
Shropshire Council's planning policies can be found at:
Shropshire Council's Local Plan
For information on Shropshire Council's Local Plan please see:
For information on Shropshire Council's Local Plan Review please see:
Applying for Planning Permission
If you are thinking of submitting an application please see for guidance:
To submit an application please see:
Community Infrastructure Levy
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge on new development to help fund supporting infrastructure across Shropshire. CIL was introduced within the National CIL Regulations, which are available to view at: Shropshire Council was one of the first authorities to introduce a CIL Charging Schedule. The Schedule came into effect on the 1 January 2012 and applies to all eligible development approved after this date. More information can be found at:
More information can also be found on the Government website:
Planning Enforcement
What is planning enforcement?
For planning enforcement enquiries please see:
Planning enforcement is the process by which Shropshire Council ensures that development without planning permission is investigated, and new development with planning permission takes place in accordance with the approved plans and conditions.
This service investigates complaints and controls, monitors development on the ground to ensure that it accords with approved plans, and that any agreed changes continue to respect and protect the environment.
Shropshire Council's Planning Enforcement Protocol guidance and planning enforcement FAQs give more information.